
The Parliamentary Written Questions and Answers REST API is the underlying interface to access the Parliament Questions & Answers application.


The current version of the API is Version 2024.5.8.0

SSL only

All requests should be done over SSL.

Standard API Responses

Http Status Code Description
200 OK response returned for valid GET requests.
202 Accepted response returned for PUT requests for an Answer on an Question.
204 No Content. Returned for PUT and POST requests where no content is returned in the response.
400 A Bad request is returned when validation fails for an PUT or POST request. The error is returned in the body of the response.
401 Unauthorised request. Basic username password authentication is used to access the Web API. If this fails or not passed in the header a 401 response is returned.
404 Not found. Returned for a PUT on Question where the UIN does not exist.
403 Forbidden action. Reason is defined in the body of the response.
422 Unprocessable Entity. Returned when validating Member Ids for PUTs on Questions
500 Internal Server Error.
503 Service unavailable. When endpoint is unavailable or has been temporarily disabled.


Full documentation can be downloaded from the following link: REST API Specification

HTTP Methods